Tag Archives: Broadway

New York – 1969

10 May

My Dad had an amazing life! He visited six continents – the only one he didn’t get to see was Europe!  Weird right? I mean he even went to Antarctica – but he never went to Europe? I have even been to Europe! But he said he never had a desire to go there.  He said if he could go on a free trip he would go back to the Middle East or Africa.

He had a lot of amazing stories and as I have now discovered a lot of incredible pictures! I found these pictures of New York amongst some other treasures. I know that his high school girlfriend was a flight attendant for a brief period of time with Pan Am (yes like the show for us younger kiddos) and she had to go to New York for her job.

Well, she took these pictures and sent them to my dad. Who ended up driving from Albuquerque to New York (I believe in his VW van) to pick her up when she decided the aviation industry was not for her.  Great guy? I say yes!

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do!

And thank you Betz for taking them!

Empire State Building

Empire State Building – 1969

Broadway - 1969

Broadway – 1969

Pan Am Building

Pan Am Building

Statue of Liberty – circled :)

Statue of Liberty – circled 🙂